Key Aspects about Titchmarsh Church of England Primary School
Titchmarsh Church of England School is a small school with a big heart set in the delightful Northamptonshire village of Titchmarsh
- Rated Good by Peterborough Diocese Denominational Inspection (June 2017)
- Rated Good by Ofsted in 2022
- Small class sizes ensure that each pupil is provided with individual support and development objectives
- The ‘excellent curriculum’ (Ofsted) includes weekly French for all pupils, specialist sports instruction and access to technology schemes such as Purple Mash for Computing
- Titchmarsh holds the Sainsbury’s School Games Gold Mark, International Schools Award and the ICT Mark
- Beyond educational achievement, Titchmarsh prides itself on the breadth of experiences it offers its young pupils - a whole child approach not just an academic one
- Extra-curricular activities including tennis, football coaching, Latin and basketball are just some of the opportunities open to children outside of school hours
- Music and the Arts play an important role in school life with all pupils offered the chance to play a musical instrument and take part in events through productions and performances.
Admission Arrangements
Titchmarsh CofE Primary School's admissions are organised through North Northamptonshire Council. Full details of Primary School admissions can be found at School admission arrangements | North Northamptonshire Council (
School Day
The Titchmarsh School Day lasts from 8.50am to 3.15pm. This equates to 32 hours and 5 minutes per week for the school working week.
Our Safeguarding Team
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is: Gill Griffiths
Our Deputy Safeguarding Leads are: Becky Moulam and Ed Carlyle
Our Safeguarding Governor is: Lisa Curtis
Details of our safeguarding policies can be found in the policies section and you can contact the school during school hours to discuss any safeguarding concerns.
Out-of-hours contacts
If there is no immediate danger or if you need advice, contact the Northamptonshire Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub:
Telephone: 0300 126 7000 (Option 1);
Reports can also be made online Report a concern (
If it is an emergency and you think that a child may be in immediate danger please contact the emergency services directly by calling 999. If you need to contact MASH urgently during the evening, at night or at the weekend, please phone the MASH out-of- hours team on 01604 626 938
We have provided links to Ofsted Reports, Data Dashboard and Parent View at the bottom of this page. You can also follow this link:
Results & School Performance Tables
Our School Performance Tables published by the Secretary of State on the Department for Education's website can be found by using the weblink at the bottom of this page or by following this link:
Due to the pandemic, there is no data for 2019/20.
School Curriculum
Information about our Curriculum can be found on the side bar under 'Vision' and 'Curriculum Policy'. Each class produces a Curriculum Newsletter every term, which is sent home and can also be found in the relevant class area in the 'Our Classes' section on our website. If you would like further information about the curriculum in your child's class, please speak to your child's class teacher in the first instance.
The Role of the Curriculum
Our curriculum promotes respect, tolerance and diversity. We are committed to ensuring that our pupils are offered a broad and balanced curriculum that aims to prepare them for life in modern Britain.
Children are encouraged to share their views and recognise that they are entitled to have their own different beliefs which should not be used to influence others. Our RSE (Relationships and Sex Education), Citizenship and SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) provision is embedded across the curriculum, and underpins the ethos of our schools. Our collective worship programme is planned to support these values.
Teaching the schools’ core values alongside the fundamental British values supports quality teaching and learning, whilst making a positive contribution to the development of a fair, just and civil society. Children are regularly taught about how to stay safe when using the Internet and are encouraged to recognise that people are not always who they say they are online. They are taught to seek adult help if they are upset or concerned about anything they read or see on the Internet.
Phonics Scheme
The phonics scheme we currently use in Key Stage 1 is Read Write Inc. Follow for more detail.
Pupil Behaviour
Our Pupil Behaviour policy is available on the sidebar on the right hand side of this page.
Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium is a sum of money devolved to the school to directly support the children of parents who are on low incomes and may be in receipt of free school meals either currently or over the past six years.
Our Pupil Premium Policy, Strategy and Spending Reports describing funding and how we use the financial assistance, as well as the impact of the funding are available on the sidebar of this page.
Sports Premium Funding
This funding arrangement is ring-fenced, meaning that it can only be spent on improving the provision of physical education, school sport and healthy, active lifestyles. Our Sports Premium Statement, showing allocation, expenditure and benefits is available on the sidebar of this page.
Special Educational Needs
Our Inclusion policy and SEN Reports are available on the sidebar of this page. We follow the Northants County Council Local Offer. Please find a link to the Local Offer webpage on the sidebar.
Accessibility Plan
Our school is suitable for pupils with physical difficulties, having wide doorways, ramps and low-level thresholds on exterior doors. We also have two disabled toilets, complete with nappy-changing facilities. Our Accessibility Introduction and Plans can be viewed on the side bar.
Charging Policy
Our Charging & Remissions policy is available on the sidebar of this page.
Full details of our Governing Body are available on our Governors' page.
Covid Catch-Up Grant
The school has received money from the DfE to support pupils requiring additional support due to the pandemic and closure of schools. We are maintaining assessment using the data before school closed as a benchmark and running regular tests and hot and cold tasks to ensure pupils are supported and closely monitored. We have invested the money in webcams to ensure that the best possible face-to-face learning can take place for pupils working from home, have run a well-being and self-esteem course offered by NMPAT and have tutoring in place to support pupils on a short-term basis to fill in any gaps caused by the absence. Our quality first teaching also revisits areas missed during the lockdown and teaching assistant interventions are also in place to support the children in school. The schemes of work we use also include recapping of skills and work from the previous year to ensure that all pupils are secure in their prior learning before embarking on the work for the coming year.
Assessing Impact (2021-22)
Through our data drops, which take place five times a year, we will review the progress of each child and will ensure that any pupil who is behind receives interventions from our teaching staff and teaching assistants. This will allow us to identify pupil needs, put interventions in place and assess how well they have caught up. We also have access to online tutoring to ensure that any pupil who is behind can have additional support from a trained tutor.
How will we know if we have been successful?
Each pupil is expected to make at least six steps progress per year and, in the case of pupils who are behind due to the lockdown, they should be able to make accelerated progress with the steps in place. Meetings between the Executive Headteacher and the teaching staff will review this regularly, alongside governor visits and scrutiny at the Unity Standards' Committee meetings.
Tutoring Timetable
Tutoring provided by staff member who has taken the National Tutoring Qualification.
Wednesday – Draw and Paw
1.00-1.20 |
Year 6 Maths |
2 pupils |
1.20-1.40 |
Year 5 Maths |
5 pupils |
1.40-2.00 |
Year 4 Maths |
3 pupils |
2.00-2.20 |
Year 3 Maths |
4 pupils |
1.00-1.20 |
Year 3 English |
3 pupils |
1.20-1.40 |
Year 4 English |
5 pupils |
1.40-2.00 |
Year 5 English |
4 pupils |
2.00-2.20 |
Year 6 English |
2 pupils |
Cost and Plan
Item |
Detail and Impact |
Number of Pupils Impacted |
Cost |
Draw and Paw |
Well-being and emotional support for pupils identified as required support as a result of lockdown |
2 |
£1500 |
Tutoring |
Small group tuition for pupils identified as being behind or needing support for English and Maths through data and PPMs |
22 (some pupils in more than one group) |
£3000 |
Support |
Morning TA hours to support three KS2 pupils needing additional support |
3 |
£3000 |
Total |
24 |
£7500 |